
The Rains of Castamere钢琴简谱-Ramin Djawadi演唱

2023-09-24点击数 13

The Rains of Castamere钢琴简谱-Ramin Djawadi演唱1

很多人看《权力的游戏》会有种心酸的感觉,特别是当听到《The Rains of Castamere》(卡斯特梅的雨季)的时候尤其强烈,在全剧中,每次这歌曲一出现,必有人将要悲剧。


实际上,这首曲子是描写泰温•兰尼斯特的超神战歌,《The Rains of Castamere》是一首描写泰温清理对家族不敬的封臣,让雷耶斯家族和塔贝克家族彻底被消灭,满门抄斩,整个城成为一片废墟的歌曲。


The Rains of Castamere歌词:


And who are you the proud Lord said

That I must bow so low

Only a cat of a different coat

That's all the truth I know

In a coat of gold or a coat of red

A lion still has claws

And mine are long and sharp my lord

As long and sharp as yours

And so he spoke and so he spoke

That Lord of Castamere

But now the rains weep over his hall

And not a soul to hear

And who are you the proud Lord said

That I must bow so low

Only a cat of a different coat

That's all the truth I know

And so he spoke and so he spoke

That Lord of Castamere

But now the rains weep over his hall

And not a soul to hear

And so he spoke and so he spoke

That Lord of Castamere

But now the rains weep over his hall

And not a soul to hear

And so he spoke and so he spoke

That Lord of Castamere

But now the rains weep over his hall

And not a soul to hear

And not a soul to hear

the(1651) OF(629) Ramin(22) Djawadi(22) Rains(6) Castamere(4)

