
Where is love钢琴简谱-Joseph McManners Mark Lester演唱

2022-12-13 6

《Where is love》选自1968年电影《雾都孤儿》,主演马克·莱斯特。因其旋律优美,情感丰富,而多次被翻唱。其中Joseph McManners的翻唱比较出名。


Joseph McManners从小就喜欢唱歌,天生有着天籁般的高音,却没有受过正式长大后的他(16张)的声乐训练,和正规的唱诗班的孩子不同,他的声音没有经过一点点的修饰和雕琢,纯净天然!Joseph McManners在一个文化气息浓厚的家庭成长,母亲是医生兼作家,父亲是新闻工作者和作家,兄弟两人自幼就受音乐熏陶,哥哥学小提琴,他弹钢琴,一早就显露音乐才华,在一次家庭聚会中,他唱出电影「铁达尼号」主题曲,亲友都惊奇他具有天使般歌喉。让他的母亲发现了他的这种特别的才华。在当地的剧院演出《Oliver》中得到一个小角色。抱着试试看的心情,小Joseph被母亲报名参加了BBC。

where is love》这首歌曲在国外非常有名,如果喜欢这首歌的网友,可以下载where is love钢琴谱练习。

where is love歌词:

where is love

does it fall from skies above

is it underneath

the willow tree

that I've been dreaming of

where is she

who I close my eyes to see

will I ever know

the sweet hello

that's meant for only me

who can say where she may hide

must I travel far and wide

till I am beside

the someone who I can mean

something to

where where is love

every night I kneel and pray

let tomorrow be the day when I see the face

of someone who

I can mean something to

where where is love

Love(652) Is(182) Where(26) MARK(14) Joseph(8) Lester(2) McManners(2)

