A Winter's Ball是音乐剧《汉密尔顿》的插曲,由美国作曲家Lin-Manuel Miranda创作。
《汉密尔顿》根据美国第一任财政部长、美国开国元勋之一的亚历山大•汉密尔顿本人经历改编,由托马斯•凯尔导演、林-曼努尔•米兰达编剧、作曲及主演的音乐剧,于2015年8月6日在百老汇首演。该部音乐剧严格遵照历史,讲述了美国开国元勋、美国第一任财政部长、十美元纸币上的头像——亚历山大•汉密尔顿政治生涯中的几件大事。他的战友和政敌、他与妻子伊莉莎和长子菲利普的深厚感情以及他犯下的错误。历史人物乔治•华盛顿、托马斯•杰斐逊、詹姆斯•麦迪逊等在剧中轮流出场。剧中音乐以嘻哈为主,穿插了爵士,节奏布鲁斯, 叮砰巷等多种风格的歌曲。来自不同国家不同肤色的演员们将几位开国元勋的历史通过嘻哈说唱等更能让年轻人接受的音乐形式传播出来。
A Winter's Ball歌词:
How does the bastard orphan
Son of a whore
Go on and on
Grow into more of a phenomenon
Watch this obnoxious arrogant
Loudmouth bother be seated at the
Right hand of the father
Washington hires Hamilton right on sight
But Hamilton still wants to fight not write
Now Hamilton's skill with a quill is undeniable
But what do we have in common
We're reliable with the
There are so many to deflower ladies
Looks proximity to power ladies
They delighted and distracted him
Martha Washington named her feral tomcat after him
That's true
A winter's ball and the
Schuyler sisters are the envy of all
Yo if you can marry a sister
You're rich son
Is it a question of if burr
Or which one
Hey hey hey hey
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