Six Feet Apart钢琴简谱歌词
When the dogwoods start to bloom
And the crickets hum their tune
It's usually about the time
That I feel most alive
But the news has all been bad
And the world just seems so sad
I ain't had much else going on
So I sat down and wrote this song
I miss my mom I miss my dad
I miss the road I miss my band
Giving hugs and shaking hands
It's a mystery I suppose
Just how long this thing goes
There'll be crowds and there'll be shows
And there will be light after dark
Some day when we aren't six feet apart
The first thing that I'm gonna do
Slide on in some corner booth
Take the whole d**n family out
Buy my buddies all a round
Pay some extra on the tab
Catch a movie catch a cab
Watch a ball game from the stands
Probably over-wash my hands
I miss my mom I miss my dad
I miss the road I miss my band
Giving hugs and shaking hands
It's a mystery I suppose
Just how long this thing goes
There'll be crowds and there'll be shows
And there will be light after dark
Some day when we aren't six feet apart
I miss my mom I miss my dad
I miss the road I miss my band
Giving hugs and shaking hands
Now it's a mystery I suppose
Just how long this thing goes
There'll be crowds and there'll be shows
And there will be light after dark
Some day when we aren't six feet apart
There will be light after dark
Some day when we aren't six feet apart
心墙钢琴谱 郭静-就算你有一道墙,我的爱会攀上窗台盛放
前前前世钢琴谱 RADWIMPS (ラッドウィンプス)-在这么大的世界里,能够遇见你竟然要如此用力
说谎钢琴谱 林宥嘉-还记得那些爱情里的谎言吗
你是我的眼钢琴谱 林宥嘉|你是我的眼,带我穿越拥挤的人潮
Say Something钢琴谱 A Great Big World-光看歌词,都要心碎了
领悟钢琴谱 辛晓琪-我们也终于领悟-你曾经是我的全部
黑白配钢琴谱 范玮琪-一首写给自己的歌
来日方长钢琴谱 薛之谦 黄龄-爱或许是来日方长的事 只要你愿意等
凤求凰钢琴谱 白鹿-一花一世界 一叶一菩提
天亮了钢琴谱 韩红|太阳出来 妈妈笑了 天亮了