
Washing Machine Heart钢琴谱-Mitski

2023-01-29 50

《Washing Machine Heart》是歌手Mitski演唱的一首歌曲,收录在其2018年发行的专辑《Be the Cowboy》中。

虽然《Washing Machine Heart》没有作为单曲发行,但它被认为是Mitski最著名的歌曲。这首歌在爱尔兰单曲榜上排名第93位,在英国独立音乐排行榜上排名26位,可见大家对此曲的喜爱。


Washing Machine Heart歌词:


Toss your dirty shoes in

My washing machine heart

Baby bang it up inside

I'm not wearing my usual lipstick

I thought maybe we would kiss tonight

Baby will you kiss me already and

Toss your dirty shoes in

My washing machine heart

Baby bang it up inside

Baby though I've closed my eyes

I know who you pretend I am

I know who you pretend I am

Do mi ti

Why not me

Why not me

Do mi ti

Why not me

Why not me

Do mi ti

Why not me

Why not me

Heart(171) Machine(31) Mitski(4) Washing(2)

