There is a house built out of stone
Wooden floors, walls and window sills...
Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust...
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place where I feel at home...
Cause, I built a home
for you
for me
Until it disappeared
from me
from you
And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust...
Out in the garden where we planted the seeds
There is a tree as old as me
Branches were sewn by the color of green
Ground had arose and passed it's knees
By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top
I climbed the tree to see the world
When the gusts came around to blow me down
I held on as tightly as you held onto me
I held on as tightly as you held onto me......
Cause, I built a home
for you
for me
Until it disappeared
from me
from you
And now, it's time to leave and turn to dust......
相见在明天钢琴谱 邓丽君-你没忘记我我也常怀念
义勇军进行曲钢琴谱 震撼中华的超强音符
保护色钢琴谱 苏亦承-想要给你的他先给你了
美人鱼钢琴谱 林俊杰 爱情能超越一切只要你在我身边
千古钢琴谱 阿兰花千骨电视剧片头曲
一天一天钢琴谱 BigBang|悲伤到痛哭
闹够了没有钢琴谱 赖伟峰-没有关系我们只是朋友
明天会更好钢琴谱 卓依婷 昨天挺好今天很好
爱在记忆中找你钢琴谱 林峰-快乐也许太多像场流星雨
Suspirium钢琴谱-Thom Yorke
Pink White钢琴谱-Frank Ocean
Benedictus钢琴谱-Karl Jenkins
Everything Stays钢琴谱-Rebecca Sugar
Green Hill Zone钢琴谱-中村正人
I Like You So Much Youll Know It钢琴谱-Ysabelle Cuevas
Eyes On Me钢琴谱-植松伸夫 王菲
Lavenders Blue钢琴谱-民谣