Even though the dancing's done
Don't worry 'cause the night is young
Who cares where we go
We're ready for the afterglow
Someone hold the sunlight back
‘Cause we want this light to last
Smoke and lasers, love and ravers
Afterglow, we're ready for the afterglow
Lights and action, strong attraction
Afterglow, we're ready for the afterglow
Afterglow, we're ready for the afterglow
afterglow, We're ready for the afterglow !
we’re ready for the afterglow
we’re ready for the afterglow
Even though the dancing's done
Don't worry 'cause the night is young
Who cares where we go
We're ready for the afterglow
Someone hold the sunlight back
‘Cause we want this light to last
Smoke and lasers, love and ravers
Afterglow, we're ready for the afterglow
Lights and action, strong attraction
Afterglow, we're ready for the afterglow
afterglow, we’re ready for the afterglow
afterglow, we’re ready for the afterglow
春天的17个瞬间钢琴谱 徐大乐-所有感动过的都被渐渐遗忘
无垢钢琴谱 NL不分 感谢敌一弓得此刻相拥望你一人珍重
画沙钢琴谱 周杰伦 / 袁咏琳-一曲双词回忆杀
惊鸿一面钢琴谱 许嵩-我赴万水千山,只为这惊鸿一面
掌声响起钢琴谱 凤飞飞-掌声响起来 我心更明白
离骚钢琴谱- 易烊千玺|长太息以掩涕兮,哀民生之多艰
我在那一角患过伤风钢琴谱 冯曦妤-我的伤风断断续续,蔓延开来
月光边境钢琴谱 林海-纷繁红尘中的清凉,舒服,恬静
夜曲钢琴谱 周杰伦 歌曲的出处竟然是来源于他
Because He Lives钢琴谱-Bill Gloria Gaither
Bad Apple钢琴谱-ZUN
Pied Piper钢琴谱-防弹少年团 BTS
Suspirium钢琴谱-Thom Yorke
Pink White钢琴谱-Frank Ocean
Benedictus钢琴谱-Karl Jenkins
Everything Stays钢琴谱-Rebecca Sugar
Green Hill Zone钢琴谱-中村正人
I Like You So Much Youll Know It钢琴谱-Ysabelle Cuevas